Rabu, 17 Juli 2013

Does Anybody Care About Second-Screen Experiences?

According to 30,000 IGN readers who responded to a survey, the most valuable and interesting second-screen gaming experience is looking at inventory and maps.

In the survey, IGN asked which features -- asynchronous multiplayer, maps, inventory, asymmetrical multiplayer, controller functionality -- users were interested in. Users could express interest in features and disinterest in the concept for various platforms they owned.

The "Maps" and "inventory" options won the overwhelming majority of answers across all current-generation consoles, according to their users.  Asynchronous multiplayer was among the least appealing second-screen gaming options across the board, but it’s interesting to note that those who play different platforms want different things from a tablet or mobile device while gaming.

Users who own an Xbox 360 and responded to the survey showed slightly more interest in asymmetrical multiplayer than other features, with 40% of people expressing a desire for the feature. Merely 27% of respondents want to use a second-screen as a controller or play asynchronous multiplayer with another device.

A slightly smaller number of IGN readers who own a PlayStation showed the most resistance to second-screen experiences, according to the survey. More PlayStation users chose “I’m not interested” than wanted to take advantage of asymmetrical multiplayer experiences such as Battlefield 4’s Commander Mode and The Division’s drone gameplay.

Those IGN users who own a Wii U and answered the survey proved to be more receptive to second-screen experiences overall, with just 22% stating they weren’t interested. Inventory, maps, and menus were the top ranking desired features, in that order, on Wii U. 46% of those users expressed interest in asymmetrical multiplayer, and 44% have an interest in controller functionality.

This tells us the majority of players who answered the survey don't necessarily want asymmetrical multiplayer, controller functionality, or synchronous play via their mobile devices. The preferred input is in passive tools like maps, menus, and inventories. Where do you stand on second-screens?

IGN will have more on companion apps, second-screen experiences, and survey results in the coming weeks.

Data used for this article was collected over a 2 day period on IGN.com on June 25 and 26, and will carry any skews associated with the IGN audience. Respondents were not compensated for participation and limited to those over the age of 13 years old. The results, however, are not restricted to the United States and contain representation from a global audience. n=30,000; margin of error < 1%.

Source : feeds[dot]ign[dot]com

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